Musical Theatre Roles
"Mother" in Ragtime (photo)
"Cordelia" in Falsettos
"Ida" in Honk
"Maria" in West Side Story
"Johanna" in Sweeney Todd
"Brunnhilde" in Das Barbecü
"Godmother" in Cinderella
"Sister Amnesia" in Nunsense
"Witch" in Into the Woods
"Cinderella" in Into the Woods
"Rapunzel" in Into the Woods
"Marian" in The Music Man
"Bereneice" in Cabaret Poe
"Narrator" in Joseph & the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat
"Sarah Brown" in Guys and Dolls
"Miss Adelaide" in Guys and Dolls
"Detective" in Clue, The Musical
"Lady Larkin" in Once Upon a Mattress
"Patience" in Patience
"Yum Yum" in The Mikado
"Nancy" in Oliver
"Katie Yoder" in Plain and Fancy
"Shulie" in School House Rock
"Patty" in Snoopy, The Musical
"Inez" in The Baker's Wife
"Miss Jones" et al in Blood Brothers
"Agnes/Amanda" et al in Gypsy
"Kit Kat Dancer" in Cabaret
"Green Fairy" in Cabaret Absinthe
"Gemini" Twin in A Funny Thing Happened...Forum
"Ronnie Boylan" et al in Annie
"Sybil" et al in Madwomen's Late Nite Cabaret
"Gypsy Hag" in Menagerie Macabre
"Young Woman" in Woody Guthrie's American Song
"Poodle Lady" et al in Zirkus Grimm
Everyone in Who Run the World: A Madwomen's Cabaret

Theatre Roles
"Old Woman" in The Chairs (photo)
"Sophia" in Fools
"Blue Fairy" in Pinocchio
"Madame X" in The Stronger
"Henry" in The Frog Prince
"Mary Warren" in The Crucible
"Frog Prince" in The Frog Prince
"Catherine Maltese" in Triangle
"Sheila" in A Day in the Death of Joe Egg
"Emily Dickinson" in The Belle of Amherst
"Justine/Julia" in Dangerous Stages
"Good Fairy" in The Elves and the Shoemaker
"Sophia" in Golden Girls: The Lost Episodes
"Ninon" in Ninon and the School for Gallantry
Ensemble Player in Pre-Paradise, Sorry Now
"Rita Wigglesmoor" in The Scoundrel of Dagger Gulch
"The Elephant's Child" in Just So Stories
Shakespeare Roles
"Jaques" in As You Like It
"Nurse" in Romeo and Juliet
"Juliet" in Romeo and Juliet
"Moth" in Love's Labour's Lost
"Titania" in A Midsummer Night's Dream
"Ann" in Richard III
"Julia" in Two Gentlement of Verona
"Gertrude" in Hamlet (photo)